The Integration Hub also gives Governments the ability to support ongoing monitoring of regulated entities by extracting critical data directly from your supervised institution's backend systems using a data pulling approach; firing real-time alerts whenever key events are detected anywhere within your Government's environment.
SQL Power's Integration Hub
Removing All Barriers to Risk Based Supervision
Governments have long prioritized the need to adopt a risk-based supervisory framework and full digital transformation in order to automate manual processes, eliminate in-person services, and conduct all critical supervisory functions remotely including registration and onsite examinations.
However, the road to adopting a risk-based supervisory framework has been hampered by:
- Budget Constraints: Governments often thought of adopting a risk-based supervisory framework as the overhaul of 100% of their regulatory processes and systems – making the desired adoption both cost and time prohibitive.
- Limited Resources: Already scarce regulatory resources are too busy performing critical oversight functions to also add the selection of a SupTech solution and the re-testing of all regulatory functions to their workload.
- Competing Priorities: Governments are too busy addressing more immediate operational issues and policy changes to tackle a project of this scope, so it’s always punted down the road to next year and the year after.
eGovt SupTech solution and Integration Hub facility allow Governments to quickly implement a complete end-to-end SupTech solution, automating what’s currently manual, fixing what’s broken, while easily integrating with all existing legacy systems that work.
Revolutionary in the SupTech space, eGovt’s Integration Hub provides regulatory organizations with the following benefits:
- Ability to continue operating legacy data collection systems and legacy processes (that work) while seamlessly making their data available in a consolidated Web Portal for real-time analysis and analyst review.
- Ability to pull banking transactions (or AML) data on a daily basis directly from regulated entities’ back-end databases.
- Ability to augment the 360-Degree Organization profile view with data currently being entered or collected in other legacy systems (CRM, Registry data, Call Centre data and other financial data that is collected elsewhere).
- Ability to apply in-line analytics and other eGovt risk assessment features equally to legacy data as well as eGovt collected data.
- Provide regulatory organizations with options for a phased rollout of the eGovt SupTech solution while leveraging all of our analytics and risk management features from Day One.
All of the above can now be accomplished within our platform without any need to develop expensive data migration processes to facilitate this unprecedented level of integration – all while reducing regulatory organizations’ operational costs, improving efficiency, and utilizing scarce resources more effectively.
The eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub will help Simplify, Expedite and De-Risk any Regulatory Implementation!
Augmenting Your SupTech Investments
Over the years, you have chosen and implemented various legacy systems that served a particular need, function, and purpose. At the time those systems were chosen, technology was still evolving and you and your teams couldn’t have possibly anticipated future changes, future requirements, or future World events that rendered these legacy systems insufficient or incomplete.
Covid and the ensuing World events have accelerated the need for full Digital Transformation for many Governments around the World. But in pursuing the “Promised Land” of full automation and full digital transformation, we can not lose sight of what took years to build, generally works, and might be difficult or expensive to replace or replicate. Well, you don’t have to reboil the ocean and you certainly don’t need to throw out the legacy components that work in pursuit of full digital transformation.
The eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub allows you to retain your legacy systems (that generally work), automate what’s currently manual or requires a major overhaul, while implementing the ultimate/most comprehensive regulatory ERP system that will not only address your current full digital transformation needs, but it will also pave the way for future changes and future consolidations.
So whether you choose to retain your early days legacy data collection system, your CRM system, your registry system, your expert risk assessment system, the eGovt platform will automate what’s currently manual, replace/refine the broken processes, while seamlessly integrating with the legacy systems that work - Providing you and your teams with a comprehensive and consolidated regulatory solution that will leverage your good investments and puts you in charge of any retooling timeframes.

Augmenting Your SupTech Investments

Over the years, you have chosen and implemented various legacy systems that served a particular need, function, and purpose. At the time those systems were chosen, technology was still evolving and you and your teams couldn’t have possibly anticipated future changes, future requirements, or future World events that rendered these legacy systems insufficient or incomplete.
Covid and the ensuing World events have accelerated the need for full Digital Transformation for many Governments around the World. But in pursuing the “Promised Land” of full automation and full digital transformation, we can not lose sight of what took years to build, generally works, and might be difficult or expensive to replace or replicate. Well, you don’t have to reboil the ocean and you certainly don’t need to throw out the legacy components that work in pursuit of full digital transformation.
The eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub allows you to retain your legacy systems (that generally work), automate what’s currently manual or requires a major overhaul, while implementing the ultimate/most comprehensive regulatory ERP system that will not only address your current full digital transformation needs, but it will also pave the way for future changes and future consolidations.
So whether you choose to retain your early days legacy data collection system, your CRM system, your registry system, your expert risk assessment system, the eGovt platform will automate what’s currently manual, replace/refine the broken processes, while seamlessly integrating with the legacy systems that work - Providing you and your teams with a comprehensive and consolidated regulatory solution that will leverage your good investments and puts you in charge of any retooling timeframes.

Consolidated Submission Portal
eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub gives Governments the ability to collect, process, and analyze submitted data regardless of the legacy system it originates from. With the capability to integrate with existing CRM, ERP, financial data collection systems, and more, the Integration Hub effectively eliminates these data silos and consolidates the information into one centralized supervisory web portal.
Legacy Data submitted through legacy data collection systems can now be easily pulled into eGovt reporting windows (for all organizations and for all financial periods) thus providing our clients with a consolidated web portal for their analysts to view and analyze all financial submissions irrespective of the source or the submission platform.
Furthermore these legacy submissions (now accessible from the eGovt platform) will also leverage all the eGovt inline analytics and risk assessment features, allowing our clients to define acceptable thresholds on legacy collected data, highlighting weak legacy submissions and using these legacy collected metrics to drive Risk Ratings and Risk Assessment Dashboards.
Consolidated Submission Portal

eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub gives Governments the ability to collect, process, and analyze submitted data regardless of the legacy system it originates from. With the capability to integrate with existing CRM, ERP, financial data collection systems, and more, the Integration Hub effectively eliminates these data silos and consolidates the information into one centralized supervisory web portal.
Legacy Data submitted through legacy data collection systems can now be easily pulled into eGovt reporting windows (for all organizations and for all financial periods) thus providing our clients with a consolidated web portal for their analysts to view and analyze all financial submissions irrespective of the source or the submission platform.
Furthermore these legacy submissions (now accessible from the eGovt platform) will also leverage all the eGovt inline analytics and risk assessment features, allowing our clients to define acceptable thresholds on legacy collected data, highlighting weak legacy submissions and using these legacy collected metrics to drive Risk Ratings and Risk Assessment Dashboards.
Instant Data Warehouse
Instantly consolidate all your disparate source data and reporting needs with the eGovt platform. Legacy source data, whether it is submitted by regulated entities or manually entered in other legacy (CRM, Call Centre or ERP) systems, can immediately be pulled into the eGovt platform - providing a consolidated view of all relevant Regulatory data within the single Risk-based supervision platform and a consolidated Reporting environment that renders a separate Data Warehouse redundant.
Traditional development of a Data Warehouse typically required many months of Design, Development, and data integration efforts usually lagging the operational system rollout by up to a year. The Data Warehouse database design alone typically takes months, followed by many months of data migration process development, data integration, and data auditing development effort. And that’s before developing a single report, dashboard, or alert.
Not so with the eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub - Historic Legacy data (legacy data submissions) and ongoing Operational (Registry, CRM, Call Centre and/or Risk Assessment) data can be easily moved from disparate legacy systems and integrated nightly into the eGovt platform - Eliminating the need for any custom data migration/ETL and data integration processes while providing Government teams with instant access to a modern-day “Data Warehouse” for consolidated reporting and comprehensive Risk-Based Supervision.
Furthermore, all collected legacy data will instantly leverage all eGovt standard reports, dashboards, and alerts including Organization/Person Profile Views and Inline Analytics.

Instant Data Warehouse

Instantly consolidate all your disparate source data and reporting needs with the eGovt platform. Legacy source data, whether it is submitted by regulated entities or manually entered in other legacy (CRM, Call Centre or ERP) systems, can immediately be pulled into the eGovt platform - providing a consolidated view of all relevant Regulatory data within the single Risk-based supervision platform and a consolidated Reporting environment that renders a separate Data Warehouse redundant.
Traditional development of a Data Warehouse typically required many months of Design, Development, and data integration efforts usually lagging the operational system rollout by up to a year. The Data Warehouse database design alone typically takes months, followed by many months of data migration process development, data integration, and data auditing development effort. And that’s before developing a single report, dashboard, or alert.
Not so with the eGovt Solutions' Integration Hub - Historic Legacy data (legacy data submissions) and ongoing Operational (Registry, CRM, Call Centre and/or Risk Assessment) data can be easily moved from disparate legacy systems and integrated nightly into the eGovt platform - Eliminating the need for any custom data migration/ETL and data integration processes while providing Government teams with instant access to a modern-day “Data Warehouse” for consolidated reporting and comprehensive Risk-Based Supervision.
Furthermore, all collected legacy data will instantly leverage all eGovt standard reports, dashboards, and alerts including Organization/Person Profile Views and Inline Analytics.

Comprehensive Organization/Person Profile Views
For years eGovt Solutions has been providing our valued clients with 360-degree Organizational and Person views of all pertinent information related to a regulated entity and its representatives.
Organization and Person Profiles were automatically updated whenever the system received a valid submission of a registration, license approval/renewal, a financial submission, a change request, or an Onsite Inspection final report. The eGovt Organizational and Person profile views dynamically evolved with every interaction with a regulated entity providing our customers with an invaluable and comprehensive view of every regulated entity and person of interest.
Now with the Integration Hub, eGovt Solutions can supplement all the eGovt collected data with other pertinent supplementary legacy data that may have originated in a CRM system, Call Centre, on Social Media, or in the News - providing our customers with an ultra-comprehensive view of all Regulated Entities and Person of Interest activities.
Comprehensive Organization/Person Profile Views

For years eGovt Solutions has been providing our valued clients with 360-degree Organizational and Person views of all pertinent information related to a regulated entity and its representatives.
Organization and Person Profiles were automatically updated whenever the system received a valid submission of a registration, license approval/renewal, a financial submission, a change request, or an Onsite Inspection final report. The eGovt Organizational and Person profile views dynamically evolved with every interaction with a regulated entity providing our customers with an invaluable and comprehensive view of every regulated entity and person of interest.
Now with the Integration Hub, eGovt Solutions can supplement all the eGovt collected data with other pertinent supplementary legacy data that may have originated in a CRM system, Call Centre, on Social Media, or in the News - providing our customers with an ultra-comprehensive view of all Regulated Entities and Person of Interest activities.
Executive Web Portal
Increase productivity and efficiency within your executive team with an Executive Dashboard that provides high-level KPI(s) from disparate sources that have a direct impact on your organization's objectives and your daily decision making.
SQL Power’s Integration Hub provides your executives with easy access to Organization-wide KPI(s) whether they’re leading or lagging indicators (and whether they were collected from within the SQL Power platform or pulled from any other legacy system), so that they are able to react to changes in operations or market conditions - allowing them to make critical and timely decisions based on the latest operational metrics or submitted information.
The SQL Power Executive Dashboard provides executives with complete visibility and oversight of all divisions and departments within your organization. On-demand or by receiving alerts, your executive teams can quickly obtain:
- An overview of key performance indicators for each division (banking, insurance, securities, investigations, etc.)
- High-level views of regulated organizations that are at risk or are engaging in risky behaviors
- Alerts of suspected AML market activities
- Easy access to any other relevant information to help achieve your objectives and/or protect your jurisdiction.

Explore how your organization can leverage our Integration Hub and the expansive implementation options that it provides.
Executive Web Portal

Increase productivity and efficiency within your executive team with an Executive Dashboard that provides high-level KPI(s) from disparate sources that have a direct impact on your organization's objectives and your daily decision making.
SQL Power’s Integration Hub provides your executives with easy access to Organization-wide KPI(s) whether they’re leading or lagging indicators (and whether they were collected from within the SQL Power platform or pulled from any other legacy system), so that they are able to react to changes in operations or market conditions - allowing them to make critical and timely decisions based on the latest operational metrics or submitted information.
The SQL Power Executive Dashboard provides executives with complete visibility and oversight of all divisions and departments within your organization. On-demand or by receiving alerts, your executive teams can quickly obtain:
- An overview of key performance indicators for each division (banking, insurance, securities, investigations, etc.)
- High-level views of regulated organizations that are at risk or are engaging in risky behaviors
- Alerts of suspected AML market activities
- Easy access to any other relevant information to help achieve your objectives and/or protect your jurisdiction.